Stories from Quarantine :: Brighten & Grady


BONUS — Brighten & Grady's Story :: Life as brother and sister stuck at home with their mom who asks too many questions!

Today is Saturday, but it always kind of feels like Saturday around here in the Morales house now that we've been in quarantine for 41 days! Anyway, earlier this week we had almost a whole day that our power was out. As Jason and I swapped out who could use the internet hotspot to work, I took the kids up to the studio to play and I turned on the mic for a quick little interview fun. Crazy enough, my recording gear is all battery powered - lucky you!

I know this is silly, but one of the sweetest things about being in quarantine as a family is watching the friendship between my two toddlers grow. Brighten is 3.5 years old and Grady is 16 months old. I saw a friend post a photo of her kids recently that said, "They became friends when they were all they had." I think that is so true for my kids as well. So, silly as it may be, I love that I am able to capture these sweet moments as a little snapshot of this time together.

I would love to hear your feedback! Say hi through a DM or email

Since this is a BRAND NEW podcast, I would LOVE for you to give us a rating in iTunes to help people find the podcast! You're my personal marketing team -- so go rate it today! 

Also, as I work to monetize my podcast, I want to be sure to create a culture of generosity. Because we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic right now, I am going to give 50% of all proceeds earned in March and April from the podcast, either by donations or sponsorships, to Feeding America. Use the link below or email me to become a sponsor!


A big thank you to our sponsor, Anchor, for the episode - be sure to check it out! 

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