Stories from Quarantine :: Ashley & Jared


Episode 3 — Ashley & Jared's Story :: Life as Newlyweds

In our third episode of Stories from Quarantine, Jason and I are joined by our friends, Ashley and Jared King. The Kings got married on March 15, 2020, literally right in the nick of time! Jason was their wedding videographer and he actually had two more weddings in March that got postponed due to the pandemic. We like to joke with Ashley and Jared that they threw us all a big quarantine party - we're super thankful :)

In this episode, Ashley and Jared share their experience about having their wedding right as everything was shutting down, how they came to the conclusion to postpone their honeymoon, and what it's been like for them since then. Both Ashley and Jared have unique careers for this time, and we enjoyed getting to dive into that some!

I’m so thankful for these newlyweds sharing their story with us! They are close friends of ours and it was hard to talk on the phone and not just invite them over to sit around the table with us and catch up! We long for that day though, and pray it comes soon.

Also, Jared owns a pest control business and we just had him come out to spray for mosquitos. If you're in the market for a pest control company, make sure to check out his company here: Inspire Pest Control.

I would love to hear your feedback! Say hi through a DM or email

Since this is a BRAND NEW podcast, I would LOVE for you to give us a rating in iTunes to help people find the podcast! You're my personal marketing team -- so go rate it today! 

Also, as I work to monetize my podcast, I want to be sure to create a culture of generosity. Because we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic right now, I am going to give 50% of all proceeds earned in March and April from the podcast, either by donations or sponsorships, to Feeding America. Use the link below or email me to become a sponsor!


A big thank you to our sponsor, Anchor, for the episode - be sure to check it out! 

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